UPDATE the Book publish on Amazon Kindle, Tutorial of a Deployment of a Web app by Streamlit and Python

The book about streamlit, published on Amazon Kindle, was major updated. In this major update, the content about PCA(principal component analysis) has been added.

The book is entitled “Tutorial of a Deployment of a Web app by Python and Streamlit for a Data Scientist”.

This book is registered on Kindle Unlimited, so any member can read it !!

Features of this book

  • For beginners of Streamlit
  • Be aware of simple explanations
  • All with sample code
  • Introducing data analysis as a web application as an example

What is Streamlit?

Streamlit is a wonderful library, making it easier and faster to build a web app for your data science project. By Streamlit, we can easily convert python script into a web app. Namely, we can publish our data analyses as a web app.

Articles about Streamlit have been posted in the past. The book was created with detailed explanations added. Especially, if you want to study all at once, please check it!

Web app for PCA by Streamlit

By streamlit, we can deploy our python script on a web app easier.

This post will see how to deploy our principal-component-analysis(PCA) code on a web app. In a web app format, we can try it in interactive. The origin of the PCA analysis in this post is introduced in another post.

Web App. Demo

Full codes are available at my GitHub repo.

From the repo, we can easily prepare an environment by docker and try streamlit.

It is easy to install streamlit by pip, just like any other Python module.

pip install streamlit

Run the web app

The web app will be opened by the following command in the web browser.

$ streamlit run main.py

Appendix: Dockerfile

If you use docker, you can use the Dockerfile described below. You can try the code in this post immediately.

FROM python:3.9

RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install numpy==1.21.0 \
				pandas==1.3.0 \
				scikit-learn==0.24.2 \
				plotly==5.1.0 \
				matplotlib==3.4.2 \
				seaborn==0.11.1 \


You can build a docker container from the docker image created from the Dockerfile.

Execute the following commands.

$ docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v ~/(your work directory):/work <Image ID> bash
$ streamlit run main.py --server.port 8888

Note that “-p 8888: 8888” is an instruction to connect the host(your local PC) with the docker container. The first and second 8888 indicate the host’s and the container’s port numbers, respectively.

Besides, by the command “streamlit run ” with the option “–server.port 8888”, we can access a web app from a web browser with the URL “localhost: 8888”.

Please refer to the details on how to execute your python and streamlit script in a docker container in the following post.

Import libraries

import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler 
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.datasets import load_wine
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import plotly.graph_objects as go


You can create the title quickly by ‘st.title()’.

‘st.title()’: creates a title box

# Title
st.title('PCA applied to Wine dataset')

Load and Show the dataset

First, we load the dataset by ‘load_wine()’, and set it as pandas DataFrame by ‘pd.DataFame’.

Second, we assign the columns of the dataset and the target variable. The columns of the dataset are stored in ‘dataset.feature_names’. Similarly, the target variable is also stored in ‘dataset.target’.

Third, we show the dataset as a table-data format if we check the checkbox. The checkbox is create by ‘st.checkbox()’, and a table data is shown by ‘st.dataframe()’.

‘st.checkbox()’: creates a check box, which returns True when checked.
‘st.dataframe()’: display the data frame of the argument.

# load wine dataset
dataset = load_wine()
# Prepare explanatory variable as DataFrame in pandas
df = pd.DataFrame(dataset.data)
# Assign the names of explanatory variables
df.columns = dataset.feature_names
# Add the target variable(house prices),
# where its column name is set "target".
df["target"] = dataset.target

# Show the table data when checkbox is ON.
if st.checkbox('Show the dataset as table data'):

NOTE: Markdown

Here, it should be noted about ‘Markdown’, since, in the following descriptions, we will use the markdown format.

The markdown style is useful! For example, the following comment outed statement is shown in the web app as follows. With the markdown style, we can easily display the statement.

# Markdown 1
## Markdown 2
### Markdown 3


Before performing the PCA, we have to perform standardization against explanatory variables.

# Prepare the explanatory and target variables
x = df.drop(columns=['target'])
y = df['target']

# Standardization
scaler = StandardScaler()
x_std = scaler.fit_transform(x)

You can refer to the details of standardization in the following post.

PCA Section

In this section, we perform the PCA and deploy it on streamlit.

We will create a design that interactively selects the number of principal components to be considered in the analysis. And, we select the principal components to be a plot.

Note that, we create these designs in the sidebar. It is easy by ‘st.sidebar’.

Number of principal components

First, we will create a design that interactively selects the number of principal components to be considered in the analysis.

By “st.sidebar”, the panels are created in sidebars.


‘st.number_input()’: creates a panel, where we select the number.

# Number of principal components
    ### Select the number of principal components to include in the result
    Note: The number is nonnegative integer.
num_pca = st.sidebar.number_input(
                            'The minimum value is an integer of 3 or more.',
                            value=3, # default value

Note that the part created by the above code is the red frame part in the figure below.

Perform the PCA

It is easy to perform the PCA by the “sklearn.decomposition.PCA()” module in scikit-learn. We pass the number of the principal components to the argument of “n_components”.

# Perform PCA
# from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=num_pca)
x_pca = pca.fit_transform(x_std)

Select the principal-component index to plot

We create the panels in the sidebar to select the principal-component index to plot. This panel in the sidebar can be created by “st.sidebar.selectbox()”.

Note that we create the description as markdown in the sidebar using “st.sidebar”.

    ### Select the principal components to plot
    ex. Choose '1' for PCA 1
# Index of PCA, e.g. 1 for PCA 1, 2 for PCA 2, etc..
idx_x_pca = st.sidebar.selectbox("x axis is the principal component of ", np.arange(1, num_pca+1), 0)
idx_y_pca = st.sidebar.selectbox("y axis is the principal component of ", np.arange(1, num_pca+1), 1)
idx_z_pca = st.sidebar.selectbox("z axis is the principal component of ", np.arange(1, num_pca+1), 2)

3D Plot by Plotly

Finally, let’s visualize the PCA result as a 3D plot. We can confirm the result interactively, e.g., zoom and scroll!

First, we prepare the label of each axis and the data to plot. We have already selected the principal-component index to plot.

# Axis label
x_lbl, y_lbl, z_lbl = f"PCA {idx_x_pca}", f"PCA {idx_y_pca}", f"PCA {idx_z_pca}"
# data to plot
x_plot, y_plot, z_plot = x_pca[:,idx_x_pca-1], x_pca[:,idx_y_pca-1], x_pca[:,idx_z_pca-1]

Second, we visualize the result as a 3D plot by plotly. To visualize the result on the dashboard on Streamlit, we use the ‘st.plotly_chart()’ module, where the first argument is the graph instance created by plotly.

# Create an object for 3d scatter
trace1 = go.Scatter3d(
    x=x_plot, y=y_plot, z=z_plot,
        # colorscale='Viridis'
# Create an object for graph layout
fig = go.Figure(data=[trace1])
fig.update_layout(scene = dict(
                    xaxis_title = x_lbl,
                    yaxis_title = y_lbl,
                    zaxis_title = z_lbl),
                    margin=dict(r=20, b=10, l=10, t=10),
"""### 3d plot of the PCA result by plotly"""
# Plot on the dashboard on streamlit
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)

Since the graph is created as an HTML file, we can confirm it interactively.


In this post, we have seen how to deploy the PCA to a web app. I hope you experienced how easy it is to implement.

The author hopes you take advantage of Streamlit.

News: The Book has been published

The new book for a tutorial of Streamlit has been published on Amazon Kindle, which is registered in Kindle Unlimited. Any member can read it.

Streamlit Tutorial Book has been published on Amazon Kindle

I have published the book for a tutorial of Streamlit; “Tutorial of a Deployment of a Web app by Python and Streamlit for a Data Scientist”.

This new book is registered on Kindle Unlimited, so any member can read it !!

Features of this book

  • For beginners of Streamlit
  • Be aware of simple explanations
  • All with sample code
  • Introducing data analysis as a web application as an example

What is Streamlit?

Streamlit is a wonderful library, making it easier and faster to build a web app for your data science project. By Streamlit, we can easily convert python script into a web app. Namely, we can publish our data analyses as a web app.

Articles about Streamlit have been posted in the past. The book was created with detailed explanations added. Especially, if you want to study all at once, please check it!

Web app for Linear Regression by Streamlit

Streamlit makes it easier and faster to make your python script a web app. This means we can publish our codes as a web app!

In this post, we will see how to deploy our linear-regression-analysis code on a web app. In a web app format, we can try it in interactive. The origin of the linear regression analysis in this post is introduced in another post.

Web App. demo

Full codes are available at my GitHub repo.

From the repo, we can easily prepare an environment by docker and try streamlit.

Book was published

The new book for a tutorial of Streamlit has been published on Amazon Kindle, which is registered in Kindle Unlimited. Any member can read it !


It is easy to install streamlit by pip  just like any other Python module.

pip install streamlit

About setting up, it is also introduced in the following post.

If the docker is available, you can use the Dockerfile in the following post, making it easy to prepare an environment for streamlit. Then, you can try the code in this post immediately.

Run the web app

The web app will be opened by the following command in the web browser.

$ streamlit run Boston_House_Prices.py

Import libraries

import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score


You can create the title quickly by ‘st.title()’.

‘st.title()’: creates a title box

st.title('Linear regression on Boston house prices')

Load and Show the dataset

First, we load the dataset by ‘load_boston()’, and set it as pandas DataFrame by ‘pd.DataFame’.

Second, we assign the columns of the dataset and the target variable. The columns of the dataset are stored in ‘dataset.feature_names’. Similarly, the target variable is also stored in ‘dataset.target’.

Third, we show the dataset as a table-data format, if we check the checkbox. The checkbox is create by ‘st.checkbox()’, and a table data is shown by ‘st.dataframe()’.

‘st.checkbox()’: creates a check box, which returns True when checked.
‘st.dataframe()’: display the data frame of the argument.

# Read the dataset
dataset = load_boston()
df = pd.DataFrame(dataset.data)
# Assign the columns into df
df.columns = dataset.feature_names
# Assign the target variable(house prices)
df["PRICES"] = dataset.target

# Show the table data
if st.checkbox('Show the dataset as table data'):

For convenience, let’s create the box, where we can see a relationship between the target variable and the explanatory variables interactively.

‘st.checkbox()’: creates a check box, which returns True when checked.
‘st.selectbox()’: returns one element, we selected, from the argument.

# Check an exmple,  "Target" vs each variable
if st.checkbox('Show the relation between "Target" vs each variable'):
	checked_variable = st.selectbox(
		'Select one variable:',
	# Plot
	fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3))
	ax.scatter(x=df[checked_variable], y=df["PRICES"])


Here, we select the variables we will NOT use. We define the list ‘FeaturesName’, including the names of the explanatory variables.

# Explanatory variable
FeaturesName = [\
              #-- "Crime occurrence rate per unit population by town"
              #-- "Percentage of 25000-squared-feet-area house"
              #-- "Percentage of non-retail land area by town"
              #-- "Index for Charlse river: 0 is near, 1 is far"
              #-- "Nitrogen compound concentration"
              #-- "Average number of rooms per residence"
              #-- "Percentage of buildings built before 1940"
              #-- 'Weighted distance from five employment centers'
              ##-- "Index for easy access to highway"
              ##-- "Tax rate per $100,000"
              ##-- "Percentage of students and teachers in each town"
              ##-- "1000(Bk - 0.63)^2, where Bk is the percentage of Black people"
              ##-- "Percentage of low-class population"

In streamlit, the multi-selection is available by ‘st.multiselect()’. We pass the variables for multi-selections to ‘st.multiselect()’.

‘st.multiselect()’: returns the multi elements, we selected, from the argument.

## Preprocessing
# Select the variables NOT to be used
Features_chosen = []
Features_NonUsed = st.multiselect(
	'Select the variables NOT to be used', 

Multiple selected variables are stored in ‘Features_NonUsed’, which will NOT be used. Let’s remove this unused variable from the dataset ‘df’.

df = df.drop(columns=Features_NonUsed)

NOTE: Markdown

Here, it should be noted about ‘Markdown’. The markdown style is useful! For example, the following comment outed statement is shown in web app as follows. With the markdown style, we can easily display the statement.

# Markdown 1
## Markdown 2
### Markdown 3

Next, as preprocessing, logarithmic conversion and standardization are performed. For logarithmic transformation, we select the variables that will be performed. On the other hand, for standardization, we take the form of selecting variables that won’t be performed.

The corresponding part of the code related to logarithmic conversion is as follows.

‘st.beta_columns(2)’: creates 2 columns
‘.radio()’: Put a box to select one from an argument.

left_column, right_column = st.beta_columns(2)
bool_log = left_column.radio(
			'Perform the logarithmic transformation?', 

df_log, Log_Features = df.copy(), []
if bool_log == 'Yes':
	Log_Features = right_column.multiselect(
					'Select the variables you perform the logarithmic transformation', 
	# Perform logarithmic transformation
	df_log[Log_Features] = np.log(df_log[Log_Features])

And, the corresponding part of the code related to standardization is as follows.

left_column, right_column = st.beta_columns(2)
bool_std = left_column.radio(
			'Perform the standardization?', 

df_std = df_log.copy()
if bool_std == 'Yes':
	Std_Features_chosen = []
	Std_Features_NonUsed = right_column.multiselect(
					'Select the variables NOT to be standardized (categorical variables)', 
	for name in df_log.drop(columns=["PRICES"]).columns:
		if name in Std_Features_NonUsed:
	# Perform standardization
	sscaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
	df_std[Std_Features_chosen] = sscaler.transform(df_std[Std_Features_chosen])

Split the dataset

To validate the model, we split the dataset into training and validation datasets. Interactively get information and split the dataset. Concretely, we put the boxes of the validation dataset size and the random seed.

Here, we use the following functions.

‘st.beta_columns(2)’: creates 2 columns
‘.number_input()’: Add a detail info to ‘st.beta_columns()’

### Split the dataset
left_column, right_column = st.beta_columns(2)

# test size
test_size = left_column.number_input(
				'Validation-dataset size (rate: 0.0-1.0):',

# random_seed
random_seed = right_column.number_input('Set random seed (0-):',
							  value=0, step=1,

# split the dataset
X_train, X_val, Y_train, Y_val = train_test_split(

Create and Train a model

Model creation and training are performed as usual in the background. We don’t use streamlit because we don’t get information interactively.

regressor = LinearRegression()
regressor.fit(X_train, Y_train)


Here, predict the training and validation data. Note that we have to perform logarithmic conversion against the variable we appointed.

Y_pred_train = regressor.predict(X_train)
Y_pred_val = regressor.predict(X_val)

# Inverse logarithmic transformation if necessary
if "PRICES" in Log_Features:
	Y_pred_train, Y_pred_val = np.exp(Y_pred_train), np.exp(Y_pred_val)
	Y_train, Y_val = np.exp(Y_train), np.exp(Y_val)

Here we use the R2 value as a validation indicator. Let’s calculate R2 of the validation dataset and display it in streamlit. You can easily do it with’st.write’.

## Show the result
### Check R2 socre
R2 = r2_score(Y_val, Y_pred_val)
st.write(f'R2 score: {R2:.2f}')


Finally, let’s output the result. Design the display settings for training data and verification data to be interactive. It is also designed to be able to interactively change the value range for the axes of the graph in the same way.

### Plot the result
left_column, right_column = st.beta_columns(2)
show_train = left_column.radio(
				'Show the training dataset:', 
show_val = right_column.radio(
				'Show the validation dataset:', 

# default axis range
y_max_train = max([max(Y_train), max(Y_pred_train)])
y_max_val = max([max(Y_val), max(Y_pred_val)])
y_max = int(max([y_max_train, y_max_val])) 

# interactive axis range
left_column, right_column = st.beta_columns(2)
x_min = left_column.number_input('x_min:',value=0,step=1)
x_max = right_column.number_input('x_max:',value=y_max,step=1)
left_column, right_column = st.beta_columns(2)
y_min = left_column.number_input('y_min:',value=0,step=1)
y_max = right_column.number_input('y_max:',value=y_max,step=1)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3))
if show_train == 'Yes':
	plt.scatter(Y_train, Y_pred_train,lw=0.1,color="r",label="training data")
if show_val == 'Yes':
	plt.scatter(Y_val, Y_pred_val,lw=0.1,color="b",label="validation data")
plt.ylabel("PRICES of prediction",fontsize=8)
plt.xlim(int(x_min), int(x_max)+5)
plt.ylim(int(y_min), int(y_max)+5)