Weekly Article News #8

The recommended articles the author has read this week.

Understanding Pandas Melt — pd.melt()

pd.melt() may be unfamiliar to a python beginner. It might be familiar for us to convert a long DataFrame into a wide DataFrame as preprocessing. Note that examples of a long DataFrame and a wide DataFrame are described in this article. We use the pd.melt() function when performing its inverse conversion, i.e., converting a wide DataFrame into a long DataFrame. I sometimes encounter to use this function when I analyze stock prices. You may have an opportunity to use it.

PyTorch Tabular: A Framework for Deep Learning with Tabular Data

An article introducing a notable PyTorch-based library. PyTorch is a library for deep learning, however, Pytorch Tabular is a library for table data. In general, tree-based methods are popular for table data. Therefore, it is worth checking that the new library, based on the deep learing library, has appeared.

Weekly Article News #7

The recommended articles the author has read this week.

Getting to Know the Mel Spectrogram

In sound analyses, we will encounter unfamiliar features such as spectrogram. We can learn what such features are in this article using librosa, a python library for sound analyses.

10 Algorithms To Solve Before your Python Coding Interview

The algorithm is one of the most essential skills for engineers. We can know the 10 famous algorithms and the useful reference articles.

Weekly Article News #6

The recommended articles the author has read this week.

Time Series 101 — For beginners

The tutorial of time series forecasting for a beginner. In this article, pycaret, a low-code python library for machine learning, is used.

Multiple Time Series Forecasting with PyCaret

This article is so informative! We can learn how to utilize pycaret, a low-code python library for machine learning, in time series forecasting problems.

Machine Learning in KNIME with PyCaret

KNIME is an end-to-end data analysis platform that enables data linkage, integration, and analysis, which is developed as an open-source project. This article introduces how to use pycaret in KNIME.

Weekly Article News #5

The recommended articles the author has read this week.

How To Use Regression Modeling With Time Series

You can easily get an overview of the regression analysis. In addition, the dataset in this article is interesting for me.

Understanding 8 types of Cross-Validation

This article treats several kinds of validation. Validation is so important in data analyses. It might be that validation is the first topic that a data science beginner should learn.

The best Low-Code Machine Learning Libraries in Python

Low-code/Auto machine learning tools have been recently a hot topic, so it is worth to paid attention to. In this article, Pycaret and H2O Automl, one of the famous Low-code machine learning tools, are introduced.

Weekly Article News #4

The recommended articles the author has read this week.

How to deal with Unbalanced Dataset in Binary Classification — Part 1

We can learn the basics of how to deal with an unbalanced dataset. It is written in detailed and simple expressions.

Exploratory Data Analysis on Hostels in Japan using Python

The content is interesting. This article investigates hostels in Japan from the viewpoints of data analysis.

Installing Tensorflow on M1 Macs

How to install tensorflow and other libraries on M1 Mac by Miniforge3. Miniforge3 is the one choice to set up a python environment.

Weekly Article News #2

The recommended articles the author has read this week.

Simplifying the ROC and AUC metrics.

Highly recommended. After reading this article, we can understand the concept of tuning the threshold of a logistic regression model. And, ROC and AUC, validation indicators for binary classifications, are also described with intuitive concepts.

Import all Python libraries in one line of code

Interesting library. It may save you time.

Don’t Use Python OS Library Any More When Pathlib Can Do

The os library in Python is useful. However, the Pathlib is also practical because it is easier to be handled as an object style.

15 Most Powerful Python One-liners You Can’t Skip

It will be practice, especially for a python beginner. You can learn how to write a code with compact descriptions.

Weekly Article News #1

The recommended articles the author has read this week.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) from scratch in Python

About principal component analysis(PCA). Easy description and code for a beginner.

Feature selection in Python using the Filter method

This article helps us to select input features by filtering methods. By the step-by-step style, we investigate the correlation between variables and select the features.

3 Essential Ways to Calculate Feature Importance in Python

In this article, the ways to select features are introduced in different methods, based on logistic regression, a tree-based method, and principal component analysis(PCA).

Weighted Logistic Regression for Imbalanced Dataset

Most of the data collected in the real world always have a problem such as an imbalance of each category. That’s why dealing with imbalanced data is important. This article introduces the basics of how to treat imbalanced data.