Installation — Homebrew on M1 Mac

Homebrew is a package manager for a Mac, making it possible to install or uninstall applications. Examples of the applications are Git, Python,.. etc.

In this post, we will see how to install homebrew on M1 Mac.

Install Homebrew

First, let’s see how to install Homebrew. It is easy.
It is just to do the following commands on your terminal.

sudo mkdir /opt/homebrew
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /opt/homebrew
curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C /opt/homebrew

The above commands instals Homebrew at “/opt/homebrew”. And, the execution file is set at “/opt/homebrew/bin/”.

When your installation was successfuly completed, you can see the following monitor after executing.


>>  Example usage:
>>    brew search [TEXT|/REGEX/]
>>    brew info [FORMULA...]
>>    brew install FORMULA...
>>    brew update
>>    brew upgrade [FORMULA...]
>>    brew uninstall FORMULA...
>>    brew list [FORMULA...]
>>  ..
>>  ..
>>  ..

The PATH exists?

However, it is possible that the PATH of the brew executable file is not in the PATH. In that case, add the following sentence to the environment setting file of shell. The shell config file is “.bashrc” if you are using bash. If you are using zsh, the config file is “.zshrc” or “.zshenv”. Note that the default shell on M1 Mac is zsh.

# Homebrew
export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH

Here, your PC can recognize where the brew executable file exists in the directories.


We have seen how to install Homebrew on M1 Mac. With Homebrew, we can manage applications easily. For example, we can install Git, Python and so many utility applications.