Weekly Article News #18

The recommended articles the author has read this week.

Python open source libraries for scaling time series forecasting solutions

This article, written by the engineer at Microsoft, is so informative because many open source libraries are introduced for time series forecasting, including from low-level library(e.g. NumPy, SciPy) to high-level library(e.g. scikit-learn, Prophet, PyFlux, Sktime).

PyCaret 2.3.5 Is Here! Learn What’s New

Notification version release of PyCaret.
In version 2.3.5, some minor updates have been performed. For example, a dummy model for regression and classification is added. Besides, we are now able to change the probability threshold, default is 0.5, for such as logistic regression. And also, we can use an ipywigets dashboard from this version.