Weekly Article News #38

The recommended articles the author has read this week.
This letter is posted every Monday.

Announcing PyCaret 3.0 — An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python

This is long-awaited news. The PyCaret 3.0, a low-code machine learning library, was released! The main features of this version are as follows:

  • Stable support of the Time Series Forecasting module
  • Object Oriented API in experiments. We can create an experiment instance of each call of the setup() function.


The TabPFN is an AutoML python library to construct a Neural-Network-based model on a tabular dataset. The most characteristic feature is that the algorithm is based on Transformer.

Note that the TabPFN supports just classification problems.

I have gotten the impression that the AutoML Python library is evolving more and more.