Brief Introduction of Descriptive Statistics

The descriptive statistics have important information because they reflect a summary of a dataset. For example, from descriptive statistics, we can know the scale, variation, minimum and maximum values. If you know the above information, you can have a sense of grasping whether one of the data is large or small, or whether it deviates greatly from the average value.

In this post, we will see the descriptive statistics with a definition. Understanding statistical descriptions not only helps to develop a sense of a dataset but is also useful for understanding the preprocessing of a dataset.

The complete notebook can be found on GitHub.


Here, we utilize the Boston house prices dataset for calculating the descriptive statistics, such as mean, variance, and standard deviation. The reason why we adopt this dataset is we can use it so easily with the scikit-learn library.

The code for using the dataset as Pandas DataFrame is as follows.

import numpy as np              ##-- Numpy
import pandas as pd             ##-- Pandas
import sklearn                  ##-- Scikit-learn
import matplotlib.pylab as plt  ##-- Matplotlib

from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
dataset = load_boston()

df = pd.DataFrame(
df.columns = dataset.feature_names
df["PRICES"] =

>>  0   0.00632 18.0  2.31  0.0 0.538 6.575 65.2  4.0900  1.0 296.0 15.3  396.90  4.98  24.0
>>  1	0.02731	 0.0  7.07  0.0 0.469 6.421 78.9  4.9671  2.0 242.0 17.8  396.90  9.14  21.6
>>  2	0.02729	 0.0  7.07  0.0 0.469 7.185 61.1  4.9671  2.0 242.0 17.8  392.83  4.03  34.7
>>  3	0.03237	 0.0  2.18  0.0 0.458 6.998 45.8  6.0622  3.0 222.0 18.7  394.63  2.94  33.4
>>  4	0.06905	 0.0  2.18  0.0 0.458 7.147 54.2  6.0622  3.0 222.0 18.7  396.90  5.33  36.2

The details of this dataset are introduced in another post below. In this post, let’s calculate the mean, the variance, the standard deviation for “df[“PRICES”]”, the housing prices.


The mean $\mu$ is the average of the data. It must be one of the most familiar concepts. However, the concept of mean is important because we can obtain the sense of whether one value of data is large or small. Such a feeling is important for a data scientist.

Now, assuming that $N$ data are $x_{1}$, $x_{2}$, …, $x_{n}$, the mean $\mu$ is defined by the following formula.
where $x_{i}$ is the value of $i$-th data.

It may seem a little difficult when expressed in mathematical symbols. However, as you know, we just take a summation of all the data and divide it by the number of data. Once we defined the mean, we can define the variance.

Then, let’s calculate the mean of each column. We can easily calculate by the “mean()” method.


>>  CRIM         3.613524
>>  ZN          11.363636
>>  INDUS       11.136779
>>  CHAS         0.069170
>>  NOX          0.554695
>>  RM           6.284634
>>  AGE         68.574901
>>  DIS          3.795043
>>  RAD          9.549407
>>  TAX        408.237154
>>  PTRATIO     18.455534
>>  B          356.674032
>>  LSTAT       12.653063
>>  PRICES      22.532806
>>  dtype: float64

When you want the mean value of just one column, for example the “PRICES”, the code is as follows.


>>  22.532806324110677


The variance $\sigma^{2}$ reflects the dispersion of data from the mean value. The definition is as follows.

x_{i} – \mu

where $N$, $x_{i}$, and $\mu$ are the number of the data, the value of $i$-th data, and the mean of $x$, respectively.

Expressed in words, the variance is the mean of the squared deviations from the mean of the data. It is no exaggeration to say that the information in the data exists in a variance! In other words, there is no worth to pay an attention to the data with the ZERO variance.

For example, let’s consider predicting math skills from exam scores. The exam scores of the person(A, B, and C) are like the below table.

The exam scores for each subject

From the above table, we can clearly see that those who are good at physics are also good at math. On the other hand, it is impossible to infer whether the person is good at mathematics from chemistry scores. Because all three scores equal the average score of 60. Namely, the variance of chemistry is ZERO!! This fact indicates that the scores of chemistry have no information, no worth to pay attention to. We should drop the “Chemistry” columns from the dataset when analyzing! This is one of the data preprocessing.

Then, let’s calculate the mean of each column of the Boston house prices dataset. We can easily calculate by the “var()” method.


>>  CRIM          73.986578
>>  ZN           543.936814
>>  INDUS         47.064442
>>  CHAS           0.064513
>>  NOX            0.013428
>>  RM             0.493671
>>  AGE          792.358399
>>  DIS            4.434015
>>  RAD           75.816366
>>  TAX        28404.759488
>>  PTRATIO        4.686989
>>  B           8334.752263
>>  LSTAT         50.994760
>>  PRICES        84.586724
>>  dtype: float64

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation $\sigma$ is defined by the root of the variance as follows.

x_{i} – \mu

where $N$, $x_{i}$, and $\mu$ are the number of the data, the value of $i$-th data, and the mean of $x$, respectively.

Why we introduced the standard deviation instead of the variance? This is because the unit becomes the same when we adopt the standard deviation of $\sigma$. Then, we can recognize $\sigma$ as the variation from the mean.

Then, let’s calculate the standard deviation of each column of the Boston house prices dataset. We can easily calculate by the “std()” method.


>> CRIM         8.601545
>> ZN          23.322453
>> INDUS        6.860353
>> CHAS         0.253994
>> NOX          0.115878
>> RM           0.702617
>> AGE         28.148861
>> DIS          2.105710
>> RAD          8.707259
>> TAX        168.537116
>> PTRATIO      2.164946
>> B           91.294864
>> LSTAT        7.141062
>> PRICES       9.197104
>> dtype: float64

In fact, at the stage of defining these three concepts, we can define the Gaussian distribution. However, I’ll introduce the Gaussian distribution in another post.

Other descriptive statistics are calculated in the same way, so carefully select the ones you use most often and list them below.

meanAverage value
varVariance value
stdStandard deviation value
minMinimum value
maxMaximum value
medianMedian value, the value at the center of the data
sumTotal value

Confirm all at once

Pandas has the useful function “describe()”, which describes the basic descriptive statistics. The “describe()” method is very convenient to use as a starting point.


>>         CRIM        ZN          INDUS       CHAS        NOX         RM          AGE         DIS         RAD         TAX         PTRATIO     B           LSTAT       PRICES
>>  count  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000  506.000000
>>  mean     3.613524   11.363636   11.136779    0.069170    0.554695    6.284634   68.574901    3.795043    9.549407  408.237154   18.455534  356.674032   12.653063  22.532806
>>  std      8.601545   23.322453    6.860353    0.253994    0.115878    0.702617   28.148861    2.105710    8.707259  168.537116    2.164946   91.294864    7.141062  9.197104
>>  min      0.006320    0.000000    0.460000    0.000000    0.385000    3.561000    2.900000    1.129600    1.000000  187.000000   12.600000    0.320000    1.730000  5.000000
>>  25%      0.082045    0.000000    5.190000    0.000000    0.449000    5.885500   45.025000    2.100175    4.000000  279.000000   17.400000  375.377500    6.950000  17.025000
>>  50%      0.256510    0.000000    9.690000    0.000000    0.538000    6.208500   77.500000    3.207450    5.000000  330.000000   19.050000  391.440000   11.360000  21.200000
>>  75%      3.677083   12.500000   18.100000    0.000000    0.624000    6.623500   94.075000    5.188425   24.000000  666.000000   20.200000  396.225000   16.955000  25.000000
>>  max     88.976200  100.000000   27.740000    1.000000    0.871000    8.780000  100.000000   12.126500   24.000000  711.000000   22.000000  396.900000   37.970000  50.000000

Note that,

“count”: Number of the data for each columns
“25%”: Value at the 25% position of the data
“50%”: Value at the 50% position of the data, equaling to “Median”
“75%”: Value at the 25% position of the data


We have seen the brief explanation of the basic descriptive statistics and how to calculate them. Understanding the concept of descriptive statistics is essential to understand the dataset. You should note the fact in your memory that the information of the dataset is included in the descriptive statistics.

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